The program was developed on the basis of all previous versions of the URANUS series with the goal of creating an optimal working environment for a professional astrologer or amateur, as simple as possible from the point of view of modern interface standards, as close as possible to the style of previous versions, containing all the necessary astrological tools.
Key features of the program: Calculation of ephemeris and mapping. Ten systems of houses. Construction of combined cards. Block rectification. Calculation of transits, progressions, planetary arcs, directions, including prenatal, dragon horoscope, harmonic maps, calculation of Arabic parts and midpoints and aspects to them. Solar and lunar returns. Returns of the planets. Motionless stars. Transuranic planets. Symbols of degrees. Solar and lunar eclipses. Calculation of exact times of formation of aspects between any planets and aspects of planets to the natal chart, both in natural movement and in progression. Work on elective and horary topics. Graphic ephemeris (any harmonics). Graphical forecast. Prediction block making it possible to obtain generalized forecast reports at a given interval using any set of forecasting methods. Block of textual interpretations of the natal chart, relationships, child's horoscope, prognosis, relocation. (The main elements of the interpretation: planets in signs, planets in houses, aspects between planets, signs on tops of houses, rulers of houses in houses, etc.) Asteroid coordinates calculation block.
Uranus 9.60 + crack (keygen)
Reviewed by ADM

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